Miss you Dad Dad more than ever xx
23rd September 2021
I’m not sure how a year has passed but you are in my thoughts every single day. Love you and miss you always x
Molly Ashton
2nd June 2019
You are so wonderful dad dad,
In my eyes you never grew old;
Your smile is made of sunshine,
And your heart is solid gold;
And Although i cannot see you i know you’re right here with me;
Always keeping an eye on me, so i’ll make sure you like what you see.
I know you truly believe in me and i promise i’ll make you proud;
But i’ll miss your loving warm hugs, and i’ll miss having you around.
No words can describe how much i love you;
My dancing partner and my best friend, but You will live forever in my heart, and one day we’ll meet again.
Miss you and love you Dad Dad xxx
4th October 2018